Stage name: C tutor J
Profession: Multi-discipline Artist primarily Emcee / Rapper and Radio Drama Actor
Genre: HIP HOP
Age group: 30s
Location: Sada, Eastern Cape
Stable/Label: BANG Entertainment (Co-Owned)
Even remember something he said that has stuck with me, that links up with his name. I figured maybe it was just what the day commemorated that got him talking this way, but I went on to download some of his music and I realized it was all real, no gimmicks.
There's something refreshing about his Music and his take on a lot of things. And me, I like artists who are more than just music talk,so we got to talking.
Please break down your name for me:
The C is for Conscious (Hip / Aware) and the J for Journey (Hop / Move) and I use the Element of Emceein to teach each individual about the culture.
When did your musical journey begin?
Aaah man! I've been on stage for as long as my memory can travel back performing at church and home, but writing my own material is something I started at age 10.
Are you deliberately a "conscious and substance" rapper as it comes across in your music?
Hahaha one never chooses consciousness but come morning we wake up whether we care to or not.
What inspired the route that you've taken with your music?
Inspiration is a tricky thing you know, one moment you're listening to music that sparks a number of conversations across different environments you find yourself in and the next you're immersed in thought plotting your take on all those issues in question. You never can tell.
What's the monthly "Free Bars Project" all about?
South Africa has organized its year with insidious traditions and themes we barely question from January (family frenzy taking kids Back To School) to December (nationwide indulgence in festivities). The Free Bars Project investigates the validity of all these and puts an alternative perspective forward to question inspire dialogue of reason.
What do you think is the biggest challenge for an up and coming artist right now in South Africa, especially in Sada?
Phew! So many. But I guess the biggest is finding a team of people to stand behind your name and push the card on your behalf as strongly as you do.
Sada has a rich and deep culture history of its own, do you think that's helping or deterring you as the current torch bearers?
On the grassroots level I've always been part of that history so the fact that a wider audience, thanks to technology, is now watching my moves so far hasn't added pressure but value to the years of struggle to build I've put in. And I still am.
What would you like to achieve as far as your musical career is concerned?
All I ever wanted was to be heard. Greater and big platforms like this to voice my thoughts are achievements enough for me, more would be a good look.
Which are some of the platforms that have been instrumental in helping your career move forward?
A huuuge shout out to Trusenz for his former radio show Ground Zero on Tru FM alongside multiple other platforms he put me on. I can't forget Yahkeem the Mastabilda for pushing the card as well on The Urban Exchange and lately Vintage Sundays, it's all love. Mad props for Thabo Seboka's Live Sessions as well in Mdantsane. I could go on and on man…
Do you think emerging artists put in enough efforts when it comes to the business of their craft?
Not at all. I guess ignorance is bliss. Understanding the business leaves you less time to actually create, balance is key regardless.
Who do you make music for?
Myself hahaha I'm too selfish to think about people while creating. I hope everyone enjoys it though.
What's in the future plans for C tutor J?
I just hope to get this team together so I can find confidence in finally releasing a full length project and actually push to tour for most of the year.
Besides the talk that he's on,he's been putting in that work too. He made it to this year's "Back To The City Festival "Power Play 10k Challenge stage, National Arts Festival, and religiously dropping the monthly projects.
When an artist is this serious, dedicated and passionate about the industry they occupy, can't not recognise. Hoping to see elevation to greater heights, to see wins and milestones from the C and I believe its just a matter of time.
For now please check out his work and be part of the growth. He's worth the time.
Project Links:
SoundCloud- iLungelo
ilungelo 2
Slikouronlife- Is it love
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