Solo Rider, an up and coming rapper from Limpopo Province but currently residing in Tembisa, is all about the virtue of patience and putting in the work because "talent can't surpass hard work." He believes that If it's meant to be,it needs to be worked on,to become. His hunger for success in the music industry is what's been pushing him to work hard & be one of the best upcoming rappers ultimately breaking out into the mainstream. Real name, Ramokone Solomon Kamogelo,Solo started loving the rap culture in 2010. He then continued on learning and getting familiar with the ways of the culture. He then graduated from spectator to player when he picked up the mic. He started rapping in 2016 and he says the journey has been interesting and filled with learning moments Solo Rider is currently working on his EP titled "Adventurous Path" which he'll drop next year. He describes his music as being "therapeutic and motivational". So...
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