The silasbeats brand consists of music production, content curation (blogging, podcast and visual presentations) and music education. Silas has had many years building his name and finding ways to infiltrate as well as observe the music side of Hip Hop. And in these three service offerings, he seems to have all points covered. Between creating music, continuously growing his skillsets and his daytime job, he's still got time to look out for emerging artists. He does this through his Facebook page, website and a dedicated public WhatsApp line. We threw a few questions his way and he threw us back some gems. Find them below: How would you describe the state of HipHop in SA in the last 3 years? I'd describe them as a bit of a plateau. We've enjoyed a really good run since 2014, but things seem stagnant of late. We've definitely taken our foot off the pedal in terms of hunting for new sponsors, looking for new opportunities and releasing GOOD music as often ...
Archiving The South African Creative History.